Finding Relief for Conditions Related to Head Colds

There are Many Kinds of Illness That Impact the Head

The “sniffles” describe dozens of conditions that commonly impact people throughout their lives. Many totally different conditions feel exactly the same. Here we’ll explore several common ailments of this variety to help you get an idea what they look like, and what you can do about them.

Head Colds

Common head colds tend to last anywhere from an afternoon to a week, depending on an individual’s personal health, age, and gender. In extreme cases, such colds may take the body two weeks to a month to overcome. For the most part, though, you’ll get back to normal quickly.

Head colds are caused by coronaviruses. Not the CoronaVirus, but a family of microorganisms that have an appearance under the microscope like a crown, or a “corona”, which is what the word means.

There are many types of “common colds” of this variety, and they have no cure. However, they tend to be overcome by the body fairly quickly. You’ll be uncomfortable for a few days, but if you rest, drink water, and use the right vitamins, you’ll come out the other side quick enough.


Allergies can cause expectorant sinus reactions, sneezes, irritated eyes, inflamed sinus pockets, and associated headaches from pressure. A bad enough reaction will put you in the hospital, but seasonal allergies like “hay fever” tend to come and go every year for some.

Certain antihistamines and other allergy medications can help, as can a spoonful of locally-sourced honey every day after and before allergy season. (This acts like an inoculation, exposing your body to localized allergens as collected by bees, but through the medium of honey, which prevents allergic reaction.)


The “flu” or “influenza” is like the common cold on steroids. There are at least four varieties, imaginatively named Influenza A, B, C, or D. Influenza can lead to weakness, “the shakes”, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and of course a runny nose, sore throat, and headache.

Sinus Infections

Sinus infections develop when individuals contract an illness long enough for bacteria to start breeding in sinus pockets, compounding inflammation and causing exceptional pressure in the sinus pockets of the head. These usually clear up on their own inside two weeks, but an otolaryngologist (or Ear, Nose and Throat doctor) may prescribe an antibiotic.

Being Healthy

If you’re dealing with sinus infections, head colds, influenza, or allergies, it may be worthwhile to have a Waterbury ENT doctor examine you and determine whether you need specialized treatment, or rest and relaxation until your body can properly recuperate.

By far, we haven’t covered the totality of potential ailments you could contend with throughout the normal course of your life. However, the four explored here tend to affect everybody at least once, if not on a recurring basis through the seasons. Consult with professionals for preven