What Are the Different Types of Teen Therapy?

Therapy for Teens

There are 157 mental health disorders included in the most recent iteration of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). As the number of recognized mental diseases has grown, so have the therapy options. An accurate diagnosis from a skilled mental health practitioner is critical to rehabilitation from any mental health issue. “Mental illnesses in children are characterized as major disruptions in the way children generally learn, behave, or regulate their emotions, causing discomfort and trouble getting through the day,” according to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). According to research, one out of every five youths in the United States has a diagnosable mental health issue. Teenagers are treated using a variety of psychological treatment techniques, the most frequent of which is Therapy for Teens, interpersonal therapy, and dialectical behavior therapy.

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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT) addresses a teen’s thinking. CBT is founded on the idea that one’s ideas influence one’s emotions, which influence one’s actions. It emphasizes on questioning and modifying harmful cognitive distortions and habits, enhancing emotional control, and building personal problem-solving techniques. Cognitive behavioral therapy will assist a young person in shifting his or her beliefs in order to improve his or her emotions, resulting in better patterns of behavior.

Interpersonal Counseling

In the 1970s, interpersonal therapy (IPT) was created. IPT is a treatment modality that is often used to treat youth suffering from anxiety disorders, eating disorders, depression, and other mental diseases such as drug use disorders. Interpersonal therapy examines how a teen’s relationships and conversations with others impact his or her own mental health. A young person will learn to address and alter harmful interpersonal difficulties via interpersonal therapy, culminating in symptomatic healing.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) blends cognitive behavioral therapy methodologies with a mindfulness-based approach. It is mostly used to treat adolescents who have emotional dysregulation, often known as severe emotional instability (e.g., suicidal thoughts, self-harming behaviors, etc.). It is delivered in three separate therapeutic contexts, each with its own set of aims (weekly individual therapy sessions, weekly group DBT skills sessions, and as-needed phone coaching). DBT employs four key tactics to educate young people on how to manage their emotions and actions. According to Behavioral Tech, they are as follows:

  • Core Mindfulness is the practice of being totally present and aware of the present moment.
  • Distress Tolerance is the ability to accept discomfort in difficult conditions without altering or exacerbating it.
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness is the ability to control and deal with initial emotional emotions before they become stressful secondary reactions.
  • Emotion Regulation is the ability to respect boundaries and advocate for one’s interests and needs in relationships in a self-respecting and non-harmful manner.
  • An adolescent will acquire mindfulness-based strategies to take control of his or her emotions via DBT. This promotes better connections and enhances interpersonal skills.